God Himself does His own work and we are only the instrument of His hands. When like-minded people with same Spiritual Goal come together then big works are accomplished out of nothing in no time. We can see many such examples in day today life. A seed falls from somewhere into the soil, gets congenial environment, a sprout comes out and grows into a huge banyan tree. In this way, Ramakrishna Vivekananda Seva Mandal of Akola came into existence. Sri Narendra Junnarkar, the Manager of United Commercial Bank came to Akola on deputation. He was a devotee of Sri Ramakrishna. The people like Sri Surajmalji Bhurmalji Sharma came in contact with him and attracted towards Ramakrishna-Vivekananda-Vedanta Philosophy. Srimat Swami Rakanandaji Maharaj of Ramakrishna Math Nagpur started visiting Akola regularly. Due to his inspiration, people like Dr.Vitthalrao Dhawale started Prayer, Bhajans and Reading of Spiritual Books at one place on every Sunday. Srimat Swami Atmanandaji Maharaj, then Head of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Ashram Raipur Chhattisgarh also inspired large number of people of Akola. More and more people came forward for this noble cause inspired further by Srimat Swami Vyomrupanandaji Maharaj, then Head of Ramakrishna Math Nagpur.
Devotees like Sri Wasudeoji Agrawal, Sri Gopaldasji Agrawal, Sri Babuji Rajdeo, Sri Prabhakar Kawre, Sri Anantrao Ingale, Sri Vasantrao Bhagwat, Sri Sriram Ingale, Dr.Vitthalrao Dhawale, Adv.Nemane, Chandatai Nalamwar, Dr.Subhash Thote, Dr.Gawande etc started attending the Sunday Prayers. Initially it was arranged at Mukund Temple.
Under the guidance of Swami Rakananda, this Charitable Organisation was registered under Societies Registration Act 1890 on 25th April 1980 with registration No.MH-575Akola. It is also registered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 on 29th May 1980 with registration No.F-665Akola.
Whenever Srimat Swami Bhuteshanandaji, then Vice-President of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission used to come to Shegaon, he never failed to come to Sri Babuji Rajdeo at Akola. In 1967, Srimat Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj also came to Akola.
Srimat Swami Bhashyanandaji Maharaj (Natu Maharaj) then Minister in Charge of Vedanta Society of Chicago, USA who belonged to Akola wished that the centre should be established at his pre-monastic place Akola. He said, “Unless and until you people start an Ashram at Akola, I will not come there.” Swami Atmananda also desired the same. Swami Balaramananda (Rajendekar Maharaj) also studied at Akola. Regular Sunday programmes were shifted to the house of Natu Maharaj’s brother above the Khandesh Dairy.
The wish of the monks was fulfilled and the land was purchased at Gole Layout which was further enhanced as per the guidance of Srimat Swami Nikhilatmanandaji Maharaj then Head of Ramakrishna Mission Narayanpur Chhattisgarh. The owner of the land Sri Haribhau Gode had seen a divine vision in which he saw a monk wearing saffron cloths came to Akola by aeroplane and landed on bank of the river. He straight way came to that plot where there is an Ashram now. So today’s Ashram consists of four plots. When Sri Prabhakar Kawre was Chief Executive Officer of Akola Municipal Corporation, by his efforts Ashram received one big plot near Ashram from Corporation. When Kawre was retired he took up the charge of the Ashram
fulltime. One unknown person Sri Kharche who heard about Ashram wished to donate one plot. He came altogether to Akola for this work leaving his busy schedule behind. After the registry of plot he returned to his place.
For collecting donations, Sri Wasudeoji Agrawal, Sri Gopaldasji Agrawal, Rajdeo family, Dr.Subhash Thote and other devotees used to go in and around Akola by car. Sri Wasudeoji Agrawal was a tax consultant so he had good repo in Akola city. So it collecting the fund became little easy. People like Sri Radheshyamji Agrawal of Mumbai and Sri Gangadharji Agrawal came forward with generous help for this noble cause. The donation of the local and outside devotees helped to finish this work in time.
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